100% free recomendation
Backed by more than 10.000 scientific studies
Continuous improvement

Sleeping Track App

available soon

how it works

how it works

How can you best improve the quality of your sleep?

Sleep problems are a reality for 43% of the population. The list of risks associated with a lack of sleep is long. They range from a loss of productivity or uncontrollable mood swings all the way up to triggering various health conditions that could ultimately have serious consequences.

Sleepie provides a personalized recommendation for an effective supplement-based solution. Each recommendation is backed by reliable, up to date scientific support.

How would you rate your quality of sleep?

Quality ratings for sleep include:

Early awakening
Length of continuous sleep
How quickly you fall asleep

Sometimes sleeping issues are related to other conditions. To what degree do the following sleep related conditions apply to you?


Please note: all ratings you provide for your customized solution are used by Sleepie´s proprietary algorithm that references more than 66,000 published scientific studies.

2nd level “fine tuning” personalization

To help further develop a solution that is customized to your specific needs, please provide input on some specific questions about your dietary intake… you are what you eat!


Safety is our top priority. Our analysis process ensures that the recommended customized solution is free of any possible known negative cross-reaction between our recommended natural supplements and prescription medications that you have reported in Sleepie that you are currently using.

Sleepie utilizes a proprietary algorithm that analyzes all the information that you have provided with studies related to 37 primary categories of supplements (with thousands of combinations). Once a customized solution has been determined by Sleepie, a recommendation of the best possible supplements to help with your sleep conditions is offered.

Sleepie will provide you with a concise list of product choices available to you. You will be provided with the ability to choose a specific recommendation based on user ratings, price or quality level that comes directly form Amazon. The direct link to Amazon ensures that you pay nothing extra for the customized recommendations provided to you by Sleepie.

Sleepie continues to monitor and enhance your customized recommendations after you begin to use your supplements

After you begin to use the recommended supplements, Sleepie will provide you with the opportunity to answer more questions on the quality of your sleep. Your new answers will once again be used by our proprietary algorithm to further fine tune recommendations for future purchases of supplements.

Three major focus areas within the continuous improvement process

Personal rating of the quality of your sleep – you will now provide an adjusted rating of your sleep based on how you feel after using the recommended supplements.
Use of Doctor prescribed medication – the stopping of certain medications or the starting of new medications are important to input into Sleepie. Safety is our number one priority and possible issues caused by cross reactivity must always be avoided.
Development of a Sleep monitoring App… the future is coming soon, stay tuned!!

Data Security and how we keep your input safe

We understand the importance of keeping health data safe and secure. This is a critical aspect of the service we offer to all users of Sleepie. Sleepie has developed an innovative way to use blockchain and encrypted virtual wallets technology to provide the highest level of security available… in a similar fashion as the cryptocurrency banking system keeps personal wealth safe a secure.

How it works

How can you best improve the quality of your sleep?

Sleep problems are a reality for 43% of the population. The list of risks associated with a lack of sleep is long. They range from a loss of productivity or uncontrollable mood swings all the way up to triggering various health conditions that could ultimately have serious consequences.

Sleepie provides a personalized recommendation for an effective supplement-based solution. Each recommendation is backed by reliable, up to date scientific support.

Sleep conditions

How would you rate your quality of sleep?

Quality ratings for sleep include:

Early awakening
Length of continuous sleep
How quickly you fall asleep

Sometimes sleeping issues are related to other conditions. To what degree do the following sleep related conditions apply to you?


Please note: all ratings you provide for your customized solution are used by Sleepie´s proprietary algorithm that references more than 66,000 published scientific studies.


2nd level “fine tuning” personalization

To help further develop a solution that is customized to your specific needs, please provide input on some specific questions about your dietary intake… you are what you eat!


Safety is our top priority. Our analysis process ensures that the recommended customized solution is free of any possible known negative cross-reaction between our recommended natural supplements and prescription medications that you have reported in Sleepie that you are currently using.

Personalized supplements

Sleepie utilizes a proprietary algorithm that analyzes all the information that you have provided with studies related to 37 primary categories of supplements (with thousands of combinations). Once a customized solution has been determined by Sleepie, a recommendation of the best possible supplements to help with your sleep conditions is offered.

Sleepie will provide you with a concise list of product choices available to you. You will be provided with the ability to choose a specific recommendation based on user ratings, price or quality level that comes directly form Amazon. The direct link to Amazon ensures that you pay nothing extra for the customized recommendations provided to you by Sleepie.

Continuous improvement

Sleepie continues to monitor and enhance your customized recommendations after you begin to use your supplements

After you begin to use the recommended supplements, Sleepie will provide you with the opportunity to answer more questions on the quality of your sleep. Your new answers will once again be used by our proprietary algorithm to further fine tune recommendations for future purchases of supplements.

Three major focus areas within the continuous improvement process

Personal rating of the quality of your sleep – you will now provide an adjusted rating of your sleep based on how you feel after using the recommended supplements.
Use of Doctor prescribed medication – the stopping of certain medications or the starting of new medications are important to input into Sleepie. Safety is our number one priority and possible issues caused by cross reactivity must always be avoided.
Development of a Sleep monitoring App… the future is coming soon, stay tuned!!

Sleepie provides a personalized recommendation for an effective supplement-based solution. Each recommendation is backed by reliable, up to date scientific support.

Continuous Improvement Process

Total data security

Data Security and how we keep your input safe

We understand the importance of keeping health data safe and secure. This is a critical aspect of the service we offer to all users of Sleepie. Sleepie has developed an innovative way to use blockchain and encrypted virtual wallets technology to provide the highest level of security available… in a similar fashion as the cryptocurrency banking system keeps personal wealth safe a secure.

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Can candida cause sleep problems?

If you are wondering if can candida cause sleep problems, unfortunately it is yes, candida can.  Better known as “Candida albicans,” this yeast naturally lives in …
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